Tuesday 20 January 2009

Photos from the Rhoda

Go to http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=70373&id=9818870613&ref=share for more pictures from the Rhoda Mcgaw Theatre

Dear Stan, what have you been doing? love anyone who cares

The blog has moved as you may have probably spotted. this is due to the recession. no its not, but most things are so might as well jump on the band wagon. so here goes, wagons roll...

The first stop for this band wagon must surely be shamelesslytryandsellyoustuffsville - We have our first EP complete. many of you will already have a copy and that really helps us sleep at night. but if you don't then you can get one at the link below. we also have tee shirts you can purchase if you feel like it. no pressure.

2nd stop is whatwe'vebeendoing town - we played our show at the rhoda which went swimmingly. we were blessed with support from the tasty Jack Lockwood and delectable Francesca Young. thank you both very much. before that we joined our friends the betend at the Bull and gate in kentish town to see in the new year, and we saw it in alrite, we saw it all the way.

next stop: whatsupnextforthestans city, this wagon terminates here - we will be recording a 2nd EP soon and have many gigs lined up. our upcoming gigs can been seen here: www.thestanleyblacks.com. until the next blog goodbye.

stan x

something your hamster may have read....